Authorize an endpoint provider in a given role for a managed identifier
Name or alias of the identifier
Authorized role for eid
eid: stringOptional qb64 of endpoint provider to be authorized
stamp: stringOptional date-time-stamp RFC-3339 profile of iso8601 datetime. Now is the default if not provided
A promise to the result of the authorization
Typically used to authorize the agent to be the endpoint provider for the identifier in the role of agent
Create a managed identifier
Name or alias of the identifier
kargs: CreateIdentiferArgs = {}Optional parameters to create the identifier
The inception result
Generate an interaction event in a managed identifier
Name or alias of the identifier
data: anyOption data to be anchored in the interaction event
A promise to the interaction event result
makeGenerate an /end/role/add reply message
Prefix of the identifier
Authorized role for eid
eid: stringOptional qb64 of endpoint provider to be authorized
stamp: stringOptional date-time-stamp RFC-3339 profile of iso8601 datetime. Now is the default if not provided
The reply message
Generate a rotation event in a managed identifier
Name or alias of the identifier
kargs: RotateIdentifierArgs = {}Optional parameters requiered to generate the rotation event
A promise to the rotation event result
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